Big Cheese Digs Into Beginnings

Hello Jazz88 and MPS Voices listeners/followers, the big cheese here! This week I have been busy with all sorts of things; from working the election, writing this blog, creating a new show, to even recording some school news. I have been absolutely swamped in the best way possible. This week I got the chance to finish editing an upcoming school news story about the vaping pilot detection program which I had mentioned on this past weeks blog as well! 

I am busy working on creating my own show for MPS Voices. I am having trouble finding a name, but I have a few options in my mind that I just need to whittle down. Hopefully I decide on a name soon though as I am not the greatest at decision making… Oops! Anyhow, stay tuned for more information about my show as I figure more stuff out. 

I wanted to end off this weeks blog post by saying I have been having a blast working back at Jazz88! I am so thankful to be working with everyone on the team here. 

I hope that everyone is making time to chat with people they love and appreciate at some point this week. I think that finding time to feel gratitude and show appreciation of loved ones around me has been making my life better as of late. 

Thanks for reading my post today and please take some time to care for yourself

-the big cheese

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Hello Jazz 88 and MPS Voice listeners, the big cheese here. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I hope that each and every one of you…