Hello MPS Voice Listeners,
the big cheese here! I am back with an interesting top 5 list to share with you to get you invested in cryptids before my crytid themed Cheesy Music Taste episode airs next Monday at 8pm!
Incase you don’t know what a cryptid is… To that I say you do indeed know cryptids, you just didn’t have a name for them. Some of the most well known cryptids include: Bigfoot, Mothman, and the Loch Ness Monster. Cryptids are creatures that are said to only exist through story or eyewitness’s accounts without any scientifically proven evidence. Cryptozoology is the study of these mythical stories and creatures.
In this post I am planning to share my top 5 favorite American cryptids that I have learned about during my exploration of cryptozoology! Sit back, relax, and get ready to learn more about these super cool mythical creatures and legends!
5) Michigan DogMan:
I love a good Midwest monster legend and this one totally fits the bill. The Michigan DogMan is found all throughout the Midwest but mostly in Wisconsin and Michigan. The DogMan was originally documented in 1887 in the Wexford County of Michigan. These creatures are about 7 feet tall with extremely piercing eyes. Its loud howl sounds like a human scream. But beware that it is not a human even if its cry appears to sound otherwise.
4) Dark Watchers:
We are going all the way to California’s mountains with this next cryptid. The dark watchers are a group of entities that are shadowy figures with brimmed hats that watch over travelers along the Santa Lucia Mountains. They disappear after second glance to most travelers once they realize they are being watched. These creatures are very tall at about 10 feet tall. You are not supposed to approach them because if approached you will end up disappearing according to legend. So be on the lookout for these guys when in the California Mountains!
3) Mothman:
Mothman is a rather infamous cryptid throughout pop culture and cryptozoology. He was first seen in West Virginia in the Point Pleasant area in 1966-1967. This was right before the Silver Bridge collapsed into the Ohio River.
He is dark shadowy creature with piercing red eyes and huge wings on his back. He is said to be a harbinger of destruction or a warning for disaster to come… Though this all depends on what you believe.
2) Bigfoot:
I have been a big fan of Bigfoot since I was a little kid! I have a string of letters between a friend and I where I pretend to marry Bigfoot in middle school. (We all do weird things like that in middle school…) Below is a photo of me in 9th grade by a Bigfoot statue in Wisconsin Dells.
Bigfoot is found all throughout North America but specifically in the Pacific Northwest. He is a big hairy humanoid that tends to be very passive and shy. Bigfoot is said to be very elusive and tends to be found wandering the woods alone. I am definitely a people person… but if you can’t already tell Bigfoot is not a people person but I love him regardless!
1) The Loveland Frogmen:
Incase none of you know I am obsessed with frogs! It should be no surprise that my favorite cryptid is the Loveland Frogmen of Ohio. These little guys are about 3-4 feet tall and hold wands in some iterations of them. (Which makes me wonder what kind of magical shenanigans these little guys were up to.) They were originally spotted in Loveland Ohio by a police officer one late evening in 1972. They are the cryptid that I would most want to meet and perhaps go foraging for berries with in the woods with together!
Well there’s my list of my top 5 favorite American cryptids. I hope you enjoyed learning some new things about these guys. I hope you’re now in the mood to listen to my new cryptid themed episode of Cheesy Music Taste that is set to air on Monday the 20th at 8pm.
-the big cheese out 👣🧌🐸✨